Our Philosophy
Physical Fitness
We believe that athletic participation, preparation, and physical education go hand-in-hand with the academic and spiritual development of our students. It would be impossible to serve Christ without utilizing some portion of the body in addition to the mind. We utilize team sports to develop athletic skills and principles of teamwork to train our students to use their bodies as disciplined tools of service to Christ.
And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice—the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him.
—Romans 12:1
Jesus exercised teamwork when he chose and trained His 12 apostles to spread the gospel. He later sent 70 more out out to proclaim the gospel in teams of two. Learning the strengths of others and overcoming our own weakness is basic to Christian discipleship.
Our athletes get to experience a unique, collaborative experience of pursuing and attaining a common goal combined with interscholastic competition. They learn to develop leadership roles, display courage, strength, and finesse, exhibit competitive intensity along with generosity of spirit, and exercise both mental and physical endurance.
Share each other’s burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ.
–Galatians 6:2
Our athletes, students, parents, and fans are often the only representation of our school that others see. Therefore, our expectation is that we always be ambassadors for our school and representatives of our mission. Failure to represent CCA in a positive manner can result in the loss of privilege to participate in athletics or attend athletic events.
So we are Christ's ambassadors; God is making his appeal through us. We speak for Christ when we plead, "Come back to God!"
—2 Corinthians 5:20
Go Rams!
Our Sport Programs
Boys (Grades 7-12)
Cross Country
Track & Field
Girls (Grades 7-12)
Cross Country
Track & Field
Boys (Elementary)
Pee Wee Basketball
Pee Wee Football
Girls (Elementary)
Pee Wee Cheer
Rams Championships
2023 Class AA State Champs
2020 District Champs
2019 JV District Champs
2019 District Champs
2018 JV District Champs
2020 District Champs
2020 JV District Champs
2019 JV District Champs
2019 District Champs
2018 District Champs
2017 JV District Champs
2016 North Class AA Champs
2016 Class AA State Champs
2015 JV District Champs
2015 North Central Class A Champs
2014 JV District Champs
2014 North Central Class A Champs
2014 District Champs
2010 District Champs
2009 JV District Champs
2008 District Champs
Track & Field
2019 District Champs
2018 District Champs
2017 District Champs
2016 District Champs
2016 Overall Class AA State Champs
2015 JV District Champs
2015 District Champs
2014 District Champs
2014 JV District Champs
2011 District Champs
Cross Country
2019 State Champs
2017 State Champs
2016 State Champs
2015 State Champs
2019 District Champs
2018 District Champs
2014 District Champs