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Our Educational Philosophy

Scripture teaches that each person is divinely equipped with a unique set of abilities and potential—and that person is worthy of respect and dignity as an individual. As such, CCA is for the whole person and strives to develop each segment of the student’s life: spiritual, intellectual, social, emotional, physical. We're intentional in helping students grow in each of these areas—from preschool to graduation. 


Spiritual values are the foundation of a person’s character. The life and teachings of Jesus instruct us how to have a relationship with God as well as provide us with the model of right behavior, values, and healthy human relationships. Our students are challenged to develop and deepen a personal faith in Jesus and exhibit Christ-like character. (Galatians 5:22; 1 Timothy 6:11)


We believe that God is the author of all that is true, good, and beautiful. Therefore, the pursuit of truth at CCA is intimately connected to our relationship with the Author of Truth. We seek to demonstrate faithful learning to our students by developing a deep and wide base of knowledge about God's world—plus the critical thinking and problem-solving skills needed to interpret and utilize that knowledge. We want to see transformation of their minds, honoring God in the way they think through consistently honest, careful, tenacious, courageous, and humble habits. (Revelation 22:13; James 1:17)


Next to home and the local church, we believe that school is the most important training ground for students to gain social skills and values necessary to become a healthy and positive contributor to their community and world. As a Christian school, we're intentional about instilling in our students Christ-like social values such as kindness, integrity, mutual respect, and compassion. (Proverbs 16:16; Ecclesiastes 4:12)


Learning in an atmosphere with positive social interaction between staff, students, and parents and/or guardians, students will develop the sense of personal worth and dignity. We believe this is something they will need in order to become healthy, positive contributors in their families, social circles, and society at large. (Psalm 133:1; Genesis 1:27)


A Christian education involves the development of the whole person. That means we also place an emphasis on the value of our bodies, including proper and wise use. Knowledge of the body and the importance of physical fitness development are an integral part of a balanced education. (1 Corinthians 6:20; Psalm 139:14)

CCA Graduate Profile

From the youngest students to the oldest students, we're intentional in our efforts to shape our students thinking, attitude, and behaviors. As they journey through our halls and classrooms, we're aiming for a specific target, for the day they walk out of our school and are launched into the real world—with Christ as their compass.

Success requires an agreement between home and school. With this partnership in place, CCA students are asked to receive what we have to offer, and in turn give their very best. We've created a Graduate Profile, a look at what your student will receive and have an understanding of when they leave our school.

  • Understand and personalize a relationship with Jesus Christ
  • Integrate Biblical principles and values into everyday life
  • Practice spiritual disciplines which lead to healthy spiritual growth
  • Nurture a life of love, grace, and service toward others
  • Demonstrate moral qualities of integrity, honesty, and trustworthiness
  • Demonstrate self-control in attitude and behavior
  • Accept responsibility
  • Exhibit wisdom through well-informed decision-making
  • Demonstrate a biblical worldview and mindset
  • Demonstrate the ability to think critically, logically, and creatively to solve problems
  • Communicate clearly and expressively in writing and speech
  • Effectively use media and technology for academic development
  • Possess a healthy appreciation for one’s gifts and limitations
  • Display strong interpersonal skills
  • Commit to excellence by seeking, accepting, evaluating, and applying feedback
  • Cultivate broad, healthy relationships
  • Contribute to society using gifts and talents in a Christ-like manner
  • Develop a lifestyle of service to others
  • Serve intelligently, responsibly, cooperatively and with humility
  • Serve with a joyful heart

