Academic Program
Our elementary program is made up of students in Grades 1-6. All classes begin the day with a time of worship, a Bible lesson, Scripture memorization, and pledges to the American flag, the Christian flag, and the Bible.
Students learn using a combination of curriculum from Abeka and Bob Jones University for core courses: Bible, reading, math, science, and English. They also participate in chapel and other special classes each week, including library, music, art, and physical education.
Enrichment experiences, such as field trips and resource speakers, are encouraged and incorporated at all levels of the elementary school.
Accelerated Reading Program
Accelerated Reader (AR) is required for all students in Grades 2-6 as a supplemental part of their reading program. AR quiz grades count as a small portion of each student's reading grade.
At the beginning of each school year, students in these grades will be tested for appropriate reading levels. Grade level teachers will then determine each student's point goals for every nine weeks. Parents will also receive a letter of explanation with details about point goals, due dates, and the specific grading policy for AR quizzes.
Daily Schedule
7:30 AM – Campus Opens / Drop-Off Begins
7:56 AM – Warning Bell
8:00 AM – School Begins
3:00 PM – Dismissal Begins
3:30 PM – Dismissal Ends (remaining students taken to After Care)
Students should walk alone to their classrooms where their teachers will be waiting. It's our goal to train our students to walk independently to their classrooms and get ready for the school day without the assistance of parents/guardians.
For security measures, all adults entering the building at any time for any reason must sign in at the front office. If you need to speak with your child’s teacher, you may send a text, e-mail, send a written note in your child’s backpack, or schedule a conference.
Progress Reports & Report Cards
Weekly Progress Reports
Graded quizzes, tests, seatwork, and other student work will be sent home weekly. Parents are expected to review and follow the teacher’s directions for signing and returning the work to school. It's extremely important for parents to carefully review the weekly graded/checked work so you'll be informed and aware of any problem areas.
Report Cards
Report cards will be issued on the Thursday immediately following the end of a nine-week grading period. If any school holiday follows a nine-week grading period, report cards will then be issued the Wednesday after the holiday. Report cards must be signed by a parent and returned by Friday of the week of issuance.
Students will receive their final report card in the classroom on the last day of school. If a student fails to be in attendance on the final day of school, the parent or guardian will be expected to pick up the report card from the school office during summer hours.
Academic Recognition
Students with final grades of all As on the A Honor Roll or all As and Bs on the A/B Honor Roll will be recognized at the Elementary Awards Ceremony at the end of the school year.
Grading System
Our academic year consists of four 9-week grading periods. The following grading scale is used for elementary students:
Core Courses
A – 90–100
B – 80–89
C – 70–79
F – Below 70
E – Excellent
S – Satisfactory
N – Needs Improvement
U – Unsatisfactory
E – Excellent
S – Satisfactory
N – Needs Improvement
U – Unsatisfactory
MAP Growth Assessment
These assessments are given to students in Grades 1-6 at the end of the first and second semesters. These tests are machine-scored by the testing agency. Test results will be sent home once received by the school.
MAP Growth Assessments are nationally-normed, computer-based, adaptive tests that measure what a student has learned and what he or she is ready to learn.